The SAWM website and its digital database of photograph galleries and supporting research and editorial apparatus was launched on 1 June 2020, delayed for six months by COVID-19 related issues. The concentration camp memorial galleries and the galleries for other South African War related commemorative sites relate to earlier pieces of research. The black memorials pages concern a new research project, launched in late 2019. This has been started, and then delayed, because of the COVID-19 situation. The Analytics reports can be accessed below and are routinely added on receipt:

June 2020 – JuneSAWMAnalytics
The SAWM site was launched on 1 July. Although traffic across the month was not surprisingly low in the lockdown circumstances, a range of pages were accessed by users coming from the United Kingdom, with the top 10 viewed pages being selected from across the SAWM site. In addition, a number of supportive email enquiries about and comments on the site were received, including suggestions for new sites to be added.

July 2020 – Not available
This Analytics report is not available due to a computing problem.

August 2020 – Aug20sawmAnalytics
The August Analytics show a pleasing increase in the use of traffic, with users coming from the United Kingdom, Australia and notably South Africa. The top 10 viewed pages continue to be drawn from across the website, but with a preference for black memorial and counter-memorial pages. Email traffic continued to be received with more suggestions for new sites to be added.

September 2020 – Not available
This Analytics report is not available due to a computing issue.

October 2020 – OctSAWManalytics
The October Analytics report shows a small increase in the intensity of use, as well as the number of users and places where they are located, including the United Kingdom, United States and the Netherlands. While the top 10 page views come from across the site, there is clear preference for and focus on the pages concerned with black memorials. There has continued to be email traffic, and these are also concerned black memorial locations.

November 2020 – NovsawmAnalytics
The November Analytics report evidence a continued increase in use of traffic and page views. These users come from United Kingdom, while the top 10 page views are focused on pages concerned with black memorials and with use of gallery materials on individual black commemorative sites. Page views show these are being intensively used, and this is likely to be the first sign of a growing research-oriented use of these materials. Email traffic continues to be largely concerned with black memorial locations, plus with a request for galleries on South African War memorials in former British colonies.

December 2020 – Analytics. The December Analytics shows the way in which intensive use of the website is unfolding. Although there have been fewer unique visitors than in some previous months, a number of page views has increased markedly. While much of the focus is on the black commemoration pages, there is also an equally intensive use of other parts of the website.

January 2021 – Analytics. As expected with the holiday period, the number of visitors and page views shown in the January Analytics is down on the previous month, but shows the gratifying stability of both visitors and page usage. The focus remains on black commemoration and also specific concentration camp commemoratives sites.

February 2021 – Analytics. Because of continuing issues with Google Analytics, the February Analytics is unfortunately not available.

March 2021 – Analytics. The March Google Analytics show the continued research focus of use of the website. A number of unique visitors remain small but stable, whilst the feature of intensive page views continues, and continues to focus on black commemoration and specific commercial sites associated with this.

April 2021 – Analytics. The April Analytics show a gratifying increase in the number of unique visitors and also of page views as well. The distribution of visitors continues to be wide, including South Africa of the UK, Australia, Austria, and Canada. The feature of intensive use continues, focusing both on black commemoration and specific concentration camp sites.

May 2021 – Analytics. The May Analytics are not available due to continuing issues with the confusion at Google Analytics of SAWM with another Edinburgh blog.

June 2021 – Analytics. The Google Analytics for June show the same pattern of usage as in previous months. The distribution of users continues to focus on South Africa, the UK, and also Ireland, the USA, Australia and Portugal. There is the same emphasis on the black commemoratives sites and specific concentration camp sites. An exit poll conducted in this month indicates that the same users are returning repeatedly, and are now finding that the lack of new research material is constraining further research use of the website and the return visits are to see new material added. Due to travel and other restrictions associated with the Covid-19 pandemic and upsurges in infection rates, the planned new research has not yet been able to take place. A work-around is in process of discussion and will be put into action in future months. This will consist of adding to the portfolio of black commemoration sites using existing largely photographic material, doing so in a way that continues to follow the ANC government’s planned commemorative activities.