Graaff-Reinet Is a very busy place in memorial terms, with memorials  to Union, Second Trek, President Pretorius. The memorial to the Union of South Africa in 1910 stands on a now rather desolate hill outside the town, where a large group of dagga-smoking boys politely made way so that photographs could be taken of it. In another area and just off a route out of the town, there is a rough-hewn stone pillar and an equally rough-hewn stone plaque which commemorates the 1938 Second Trek visit of an ox-wagon cart. On another road out and under a hill, there is a large imposing memorial to the locally-born Commandant-General of the Transvaal, Andries Pretorius, in a memorial area made by the local Rapportryers in 1941. His son Martinus became first president of the Transvaal. There is also a Gideon Scheepers memorial, which will be found on a separate page under his name.

View Graaff-Reinet Union Memorial gallery here

View Graaff-Reinet Second Trek (1938 Cairn) gallery here

View Graaff-Reinet Pretorious gallery here